
Sacred Dissertations on the Lord’s Prayer is unavailable, but you can change that!

Witsius explores the significance and usage of the Lord’s Prayer in this exposition. First of all, he examines the definition and history of prayer throughout the Old Testament. He then moves on to the practical and spiritual advantages of prayer, as well as motivations and physical aspects of prayer. Witsius finishes this volume with a thorough inspection of each line of the Lord’s Prayer,...

Holy Spirit, cannot call God their Father in the same sense as believers. Yet prayer, and other religious duties, are enjoined on these persons. To lay down for them a different manner of prayer, in which the Divine Being should be viewed as a Creator and Lord, would serve no good purpose. So long as they do not approach God with filial love, all their addresses will be vain. Let them be taught that no one can pray aright who is not a child of God, and that, therefore, they ought earnestly to implore
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